nubedian GmbH was founded as a spin-off from the FZI Research Center for Computer Science in order to put the results of a research project into practice. Since our foundation, we have remained connected to research - always with the aim of supporting supply processes in the social and health sector with new information technologies.

As a research-driven SME, we actively seek cooperation with:

  • Universities, colleges and non-university research or scientific institutions

  • Other companies in the fields of health IT and managed care

  • Public institutions, associations and service providers in the social and health sector

We have:

  • Domain know-how in the area of care advice, case management and social work

  • Field access to facilities and services in the above-mentioned areas

  • Expertise in the areas of project management, requirements analysis, development and testing of apps and web-based applications as well as IT integration in the healthcare sector

  • Experience in the development of business models in the digital health context and consideration of ethical and legal framework conditions

  • Scientific staff with project experience

BloG³ – Stärkung der Datensouveränität von Patienten durch Blockchain-basiertes Gesundheitsdatenmanagement

Laufzeit: 01.08.2022 – 31.07.2025

Funding: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)

Project website:

KIAFlex – Interaktive KI-Assistenz zur prädiktiven und flexiblen Steuerung im Entlass- und Überleitungsmanagement

Eine verlängerte Verweildauer und krisenhafte Entwicklungen nach Überleitungen der Patientinnen aus Krankenhäusern in Nachsorgeeinrichtungen entstehen häufig bereits während des stationären Aufenthalts im Krankenhaus, wenn die poststationären Anforderungen suboptimal ermittelt werden, die Sozialarbeiterinnen überlastet sind und keine Zeit für ausreichende Leistungsdokumentation bleibt.

Ziel des Projekts KIAFlex ist ein KI-basiertes Assistenzsystem zur Verbesserung klinischer, organisatorischer und administrativer Prozesse im Entlassmanagement, welches das klinische Personal erheblich entlastet und gleichzeitig zu einer Verbesserung der Versorgungskontinuität beim Übergang in die Nachversorgung führt.

Für die prädiktive und flexible Steuerung der Prozesse im Entlassmanagement soll der spätere Nachsorgebedarf einer Patient*in schon beginnend mit der Aufnahme prognostiziert und begleitend mit Diagnose und Behandlung nachjustiert und angepasst werden. Zu den maßgeschneiderten Entlass- und Überleitungsprozessen gehören außerdem die proaktive Kommunikation mit Angehörigen und Dokumentation im Prozess durch einen virtuellen Sozialarbeiter- und Dokumentationsassistent (Chatbot).

Projektpartner sind das Universitätsklinikum Bonn, die Universitätsmedizin Mannheim, die Hochschule Furtwangen, das Deutsche Forschungszentrum Künstliche Intelligenz und die Empolis Information Management GmbH.

BloG³ – Stärkung der Datensouveränität von Patienten durch Blockchain-basiertes Gesundheitsdatenmanagement

Duration 03/01/2020 - 02/28/2023

Funding: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)

Project website:

BloG³ – Strengthening the data sovereignty of patients through blockchain-based health data management

In the German health system, patient-related data is collected and managed independently by the various actors. The lack of interoperability of these heterogeneous systems also leads to a fragmented and complex digital health profile for every patient. This leads to information asymmetries among all actors involved in the supply process. This problem manifests itself particularly at the sector transition. If a patient is transferred from acute inpatient treatment to aftercare structures such as rehabilitation, care or the home environment, these information breaks may result in a reduced quality of treatment.

The BloG³ project uses a blockchain-based, decentralized data and rights management system to make the scattered data available centrally in an individual health profile. This is tested along with real application scenarios (e.g. oncology) from discharge management. The networking of health data enables personalized and needs-based care. This continuity of care is reflected in more efficient and effective treatment for the patient. This is realized through a digital platform that guarantees patients and third-party providers transparent access to health data at all times - despite decentralized data storage.

Project partners are the FZI Research Center for Computer Science, the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), the Free University of Berlin, the Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, the Pflegewerk Berlin GmbH, the C&S Computer und Software GmbH, the easierLife GmbH, the CircularTree GmbH and the ITK Engineering GmbH.

SereNaWeb – Digital Health im Rahmen sektorenübergreifender Nachsorge

Duration: 11/01/2018 - 10/31/2021

Funding: Ministry for Social Affairs and Integration with funds from the State of Baden-Württemberg

Project website:

SereNaWeb – Cross-sector aftercare of geriatric patients using a common web platform

Together with the project partners University Hospital Mannheim and Research Center for Information Technology, the transfer of care for geriatric patients is digitized within the framework of SereNaWeb and secure cross-sector communication is made possible. This project is supported by the Ministry for Social Affairs and Integration with funds from the State of Baden-Württemberg.

After successful treatment, hospitals discharge a large number of patients every day, some of whom have to be cared for by other medical, nursing or rehabilitative facilities. If further treatment by other care institutions is necessary for a patient, this is organized by the hospital.

Communication currently takes place via paper, fax and telephone, which creates a lot of effort, information is lost and transparency is not always guaranteed.

The aim of the SereNaWeb project is to improve the interdisciplinary exchange of information in the discharge process and the follow-up care of geriatric patients between hospitals, the follow-up care providers and the payers. For this purpose, processes and responsibilities are to be coordinated, and a web-based IT platform that simplifies, develops and evaluates the exchange of information, communication and coordination between the individual actors.

KommmiT – Digital Health im Sozialraum und Quartiere

Duration: 11/01/2015 - 10/31/2020

Funding: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)

Project website:

Communication with intelligent technology - KommmiT

The aim of the "KommmiT" project is to develop a service network to strengthen the participation and media skills of senior citizens. The service network is based on two pillars: a local service office and a digital tablet app system. The service office particularly addresses older people who live alone and only have a small social network, but also older people with a Turkish migration background. Civic senior citizens should act as everyday and technical assistants who explain the technology and communicate with the target group on an equal footing. The tablet app system enables access to services in the areas of living, mobility and care.

A particular challenge is to personalize the interaction concept precisely. For example, texts should be read out automatically or translated into Turkish if necessary.

Project partners are the Welfare Organization for Baden-Württemberg, the University of Heidelberg, the FZI Research Center for Information Technology, the State Office for Communication Baden-Württemberg, the State Capital Stuttgart, the MedienKompetenz Forum Südwest, the meeting point 50plus / Evangelical Church in Württemberg and Unitymedia.

CoCare – Digital Health in Bezug auf die ärztliche Versorgung von Pflegeheimen

Duration: 04/01/2017 - 09/30/2020

Funding: The Federal Joint Committee (G-BA)

Project website:

CoCare (coordinated medical care) - Extended coordinated medical care home care

The CoCare innovation fund project deals with improvements in the quality and efficiency of care in coordinated medical care for nursing home residents and optimizes the exchange of information between the actors involved (nurses and doctors). The primary goal of the project is to reduce avoidable hospital admissions and patient transports. Nubedian GmbH takes on the development and operation of an electronic patient record for the exchange of information and communication between the parties involved.

Project partners are the Baden-Württemberg Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians, the Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology and the Health Services Research and Rehabilitation Research Section of the Freiburg University Hospital, all statutory health insurance companies represented by the Baden-Württemberg state associations of health insurance companies and substitute funds (GKV).

situCare – Digital Health in der Intensivpflege und SAPV

(Quelle: Foto: Daniel Meyer, ©VitalAire GmbH)

Duration: 04/01/2016 - 03/31/2019

Funding: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)

Project website:

Situational support and crisis intervention in care - situCare

The aim of the "situCare" project is to develop a new, technology-based approach to relieve the burden on family carers in intensive and palliative care. Augmented reality techniques, ambient sensors and interactively networked objects form the basis. In the project, these technologies will be further developed and integrated with one another in a system that can independently recognize care situations, give caring relatives situational assistance, for example in the operation of devices, and support communication with the other actors in the care and supply network. The project is characterized by a consistently interdisciplinary and user-centered approach that is oriented towards a successful transfer into practice. This also includes the appropriate consideration of the relevant data protection aspects.

The project partners are VitalAire GmbH, the Palliative Network Freiburg, the Furtwangen University and the FZI Research Center for Information Technology.

KoBial – Digital Health in kooperativen Bauvorhaben im Sozialwesen

Duration: 07/14/2016 - 07/13/2018

Funding: Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Economics, Labor and Housing

Project website:

Cooperative construction projects in social affairs - value creation systems and service engineering - KoBial

The aim of the project is the development of new value creation systems (in the sense of modern IT-based cross-company value creation networks) for craftsmen, consultants / planners, architects and operators of facilities in the area of living for people in need of help and care. This should be done on the basis of the service engineering approach and using smart home and living systems

The project partners are the Bruderhaus Diakonie, easierlife GmbH, HWP Planungsgesellschaft, ITB Institute for Management Technology in the Deutsches Handwerksinstitut and Open Experience GmbH.

AmbuNet – Digital Health in der sektorenübergreifenden Kooperation

Duration: 11/11/2013 - 12/01/2015

Funding: Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, Family, Women and Seniors Baden-Württemberg

Cross-sectoral cooperation to improve medical / nursing care in rural areas using innovative technologies and service concepts - AmbuNet

As part of the project, nurses who meet certain requirements receive special training. This enables the nursing staff to carry out medically delegated activities on the residents of a care facility. The resulting processes are supported by a web-based IT infrastructure and mobile application. The aim is to improve the collaboration between the participating doctors and nurses. The project is funded by the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, Family, Women and Seniors of Baden-Württemberg.

Project partners are the FZI Research Center for Information Technology, the DRK Pflegedienste Heilbronn gGmbH and the Baden-Württemberg Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians.

TUG – Digital Health in der im Bereich Telemedizin

Duration: 06/01/2014 - 10/31/2015

Funding: Ministry for Labor and Social Affairs, Family, Women and Seniors and Ministry for Science, Research and Art Baden-Württemberg

Benefit assessment of telemedicine as support for outpatient geriatric care - TUG

The focus of research and development at nubedian GmbH is the application of new information technologies in social and health care, such as the use of mobile systems in telemedicine. It is intended to network the inpatient and outpatient care of geriatric and multimorbid patients more closely and thereby improve the quality of patient care.

Project partners are Robert Bosch Healthcare, the Robert Bosch Hospital and the Dr. Margarete Fischer-Bosch Institute for Clinical Pharmacology Stuttgart and the Baden-Württemberg Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians.

INSPIRE – Digital Health bei der Begleitung von Schlaganfallpatienten

Duration: 11/01/2010 - 10/31/2013

Funding: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)

Increase and design the quality and productivity of health services with IT support - INSPIRE

After a stroke, those affected and their relatives are often faced with complex challenges: health effects have to be managed and at the same time everyday life has to be reorganized.

The Stroke Manager informs stroke patients and their relatives along the care path and accompanies the planning of the next steps from relocation to inpatient discharge to the coordination of outpatient services. The Stroke Manager is supported in planning and coordination by the Care and Case Management software CareCM. Patients are informed and cared for individually by means of a paper-based stroke folder or an electronic stroke health book. The Stroke Manager looks after and advises those affected by a stroke during their stay and after they have been discharged from hospital on further care in rehabilitation, aftercare and secondary prevention.

Project partners are the FZI Research Center for Computer Science, the KIT Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, the Neurological Clinic Bad Neustadt / Saale; the Bavarian Red Cross - District Association of Lower Franconia and the German Stroke Foundation.

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