Caseform - Matchmaking platform for the discharge management and your patient portal

Find suitable follow-up care providers for your patients quickly and easily and use a secure platform for your hospital discharge management. Avoid double documentation, exchange messages easily and benefit from HL7 interfaces to CareSD and your HIS system.

Der Sozialarbeiter erklärt einem Patienten was er braucht.

CareSD – Software for discharge management and social services in hospitals

Document in a software solution specially developed for social services and patient management and benefit from HL7 interfaces, an integrated form system and the cooperation with DVSG.

CareCM - Care advice, housing advice, case management and neighborhood management  und Quartiersmanagement

Manage cases and quickly bring yourself up to date on a case, view existing networks in a user-friendly manner, generate statistics at the push of a button and use a mobile solution for house calls.

Seniorenpaar hat ein Treffen mit dem Finanzberater.

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