Caseform - Platform for the discharge management and your patient portal

Caseform is your solution for smooth discharge management. Find suitable aftercare providers for your patients quickly and easily without time-consuming phone calls and use a secure platform. Caseform supports the process of transition, relieves your social services staff, care transition, discharge management and guarantees transparency, always with the objective of improving patient care. In the light of the KHZG law, Caseform can be connected to any patient portal. With Caseform you work

  • Fast

Thanks to modern technologies and interfaces to CareSD and HIS systems, you can find suitable aftercare providers for your patients with just a few clicks and you save yourself a lot of time on the phone.

  • Simple

The platform is neatly arranged and the operation is child's play. Caseform is web-based and can therefore be used from any location and on any device (computer, tablet, smartphone) without installation.

  • Secure

The requirements of the GDPR were already taken into account during implementation. State-of-the-art encryption technologies are used to protect the data, thereby fulfilling the strictest data protection regulations.

Your advantages with Caseform at a glance:

  • High savings potential (time, reduction in length of stay)
  • Interface to HIS systems and CareSD®
  • Consideration of the patient's right of choice
  • Increase of quality and transparency
  • Evaluation possibilities of the transfer process
  • Secure communication (messages, documents)
  • Compatible with any patient portal

Start optimizing your discharge management in the hospital.

Caseform - Plattform fürs Entlassmanagement und Patientenportal
Caseform - Plattform fürs Entlassmanagement und Patientenportal