
We make your discharge management fit for the new framework contract discharge management.

With the passing of the Law on Strengthening Care, discharge management has moved more into the focus of hospital care. In particular, the framework agreement on discharge management clearly defines which tasks and obligations will be faced by hospitals in the future. If you are wondering how you can discharge patients in accordance with the law and with high quality, at the same cost, despite the upcoming changes, you have come to the right place. In a one-day workshop, we analyze your existing processes and develop solution strategies. Numerous hospitals have already sought advice from the experts at nubedian GmbH and adjusted their discharge management according to the measures in the discharge management framework contract.

Together with the actors in your discharge management, our experts develop target-oriented, hospital-specific and individual opportunities and solution strategies for optimally controlled planning and implementation concepts. Last but not least, we also include your existing IT infrastructure in the solution strategies. In order to be able to tackle these challenges in one day, we use instruments and questionnaires that have already proven themselves in use.


Don't let the chance slip by and educate yourself.

As specialists in the fields of case management and software solutions for the social and health sector, we offer you seminars to impart knowledge, to share it or to develop it together. We help you to master difficult situations faster and with less effort. The seminars are presented in a comprehensible and motivating way by competent employees and partners of nubedian GmbH. The focus is on an interactive design of the seminars to give you, the user, the opportunity to work and shape. Try it out and take the chance to get to know interesting topics and help shape innovations. As a company that actively conducts research, it is our passion to impart knowledge and to bring you closer to innovative topics.


Regardless of the problem, no matter what request or suggestion you would like to talk to us about. We support you and take you by the hand.

Our solution-oriented way of thinking supports you in using the products of nubedian GmbH efficiently in your specific field of application. As we understand it, services serve to simplify the introduction, use and operation of the software for you. Do not go your own way. We will be happy to assist you.

For this we offer telephone support, update support and remote maintenance. Our service staff answer your questions directly on the phone, all updates are always free of charge and with the help of remote maintenance software, functionalities in our solutions can be clearly demonstrated, explained and understood. You can sit back and relax and watch the demonstration on the screen.

Get in touch
We are pleased to help you.