As many other countries Peru has been hit strongly by the COVID-19 pandemic. Although national efforts have been invested to cope with the situation, the country is afflicted with scare health resources such as ICU beds or ventilators. To cope with this situation, a cooperation has been formed during an innovation competition organized by the Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) between Peruvian institutions and the German software company nubedian.
The nubedian GmbH was founded 2011 and is headquartered in Karlsruhe. The company develops web-based software for social welfare services and the healthcare sector. The IT platform Caseform helps to manage the hospital discharge process digitally. In concert with the GIZ, the Peruvian Ministry of Health (MINSA) and the Peruvian company Infobox Latinoamerica, nubedian wants to fight the pandemic through a digital platform that connects healthcare facilities and enables cooperation for better and faster patient care.
For this purpose, Caseform as web-based “matchmaking” platform will be implemented to bring together patients‘ individual needs and the available services of healthcare facilities. An interoperable bed and patient management functionality contributes further to a seamless patient journey. The web platform offers an end-to-end encrypted chat and exchange of information. Thereby it ensures a secure communication with all involved healthcare providers such as nurses, doctors, health insurance companies and hospitals in general. As a result, the IT platform helps institutions to turn patient transfers faster, more efficient and tailored to needs. With the cooperation project in Peru, the nubedian GmbH takes first steps in the internationalization of Caseform in South America.
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